In altre parole la teoria del mediogioco si occupa approssimativamente della parte centrale di una partita, quando il Re di solito deve starsene ben al riparo per non cadere facile preda dei numerosi pezzi nemici ancora presenti sulla scacchiera.
- Alexander Baburin - Chess Ebook Baburin Winning pawn structures
- Alexander Kotov - Play Like A Grandmaster
- Andrew Kinsman - Improve Your middle game play
- Andrew Soltis - Pawn Structure chess
- Angus Dunnington - Starting out : defensive play
- Aron Nimzovich - Chess Praxis - The praxis of my system
- Aron Nimzovich - Hypermodern chess
- Aron Nimzovich - My System
- Artur Yusupov - Chess Lesson
- Chess ebook - tigran petrosian - chess lectures ( 1989, russian )
- E. A. - Znosko Borovsky - The Middle Lame in Chess
- Edward Lasker - Chess Strategy
- Francois D. Philidor Geor - The celebrated analysis of the game of chess
- Frank Brady - Chess : How To improve your tecnique
- Franklin Young - Edwin Howe - The minor tactics of chess
- Fred Reinfeld - Hypermodern chess
- Fred Reinfeld - Attack And counter - attack in chess
- Fred Reinfeld - Irving Chernev - Chess strategy and tactics
- Georgij Mihailovic Lisicin - Strategija I taktika I
- Georgij Mihailovic Lisicin - Strategija I taktika III
- Gerald Abrahams - Teach You chess
- I. A. Horowitz - G. Mott-Smith - Point count chess
- Irving Chernev - The Most Instructive game of chess ever played 62 masterpieces of chess strategy
- Janos Flesch - Planning in Chess
- J. Mieses - Instructive positions from master chess
- Lene Kudsen - Ken Whyid - Bent Larsen's good move guide
- Mario Leoncini - Elementi di strategia negli scacchi
- Mark Dvoretsky - Secretos del entrenamiento en Ajedrez
- Max Euwe - Strategy & Tactics in Chess
- Max Euwe - Judgment and Planning in Chess
- Max Euwe - Judgement and planning in chess - improve your chess with this classical manual ( Batsford, 1998 )
- Pachman Ludek - Modern Chess Stategy
- Pachman Ludek - Complete chess strategy - principles of pawn play and the centre
- Pachman Ludek - Complete chess strategy - play on the wings
- Roman Toran - Estrategia
- unknown author - Chess Master Secrets vol.1
- Vladimir Vukovic - Art of Attack In Chess