- Alexander Alekhine - Max Euwe - Euwe vs. Alekhine match 1935
- Bruce Pandolfini - Kasparov and deep blue
- Chessville - instruction - annotated games - Lasker v. Steinitz World Championship Match - New York, Montreal and Philadelphia, 1894
- Edward Winter - Capablanca vs. Alekhine, 1927
- Fred Reinfeld - Reuben Fine - Lasker's greatest chess games
- Fred Reinfeld - Reuben Fine - A. Alekhine vs. E.D.Bogoljubow - world's chess championship 1934
- Irving Chernev - Josè Raul Capablanca - World's championship matches, 1921 and 1927
- Paolo Cianciarini - Kasparov Karpov 5 - chess world championship New York-Lion 1990
- S. Gligoric - R.G. Wade - The World chess championship
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